Sebastian Gonzalez La Corte
Graduate Student
Sebastian Gonzalez La Corte (Se-bas-tee-an Gon-za-lez La Corte | he/him/his) is a PhD student in Quantitative and Computational Biology co-advised with Prof. Ned Wingreen. He completed his undergraduate degree in Physics at the University of California Santa Barbara where he researched morphogenetic flow in drosophila embryos. Sebastian is interested in active matter and the morphogenesis of bacterial communities in complex environments. After graduating from the lab, he will move to a postdoctoral position at Yale working with Jing Yan and Michael O'Donnell.
Sebastian is originally from Venezuela and still does not understand how he traded beaches and coconuts for New Jersey’s snow and hot chocolate. He enjoys watching Formula 1 races on the weekends as well as Premier League and La Liga soccer games.