Hongbo Zhao
Former Postdoctoral Researcher

Hongbo Zhao (Hong-bo JOW | he/his/his) was a Princeton Bioengineering Initiative-Innovators (PBI2) Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab co-advised by Andrej Kosmrlj and Cliff Brangwynne. He did his undergraduate studies at Tsinghua University and graduate work at MIT, both in Chemical Engineering. In his PhD, he studied data-driven modeling of pattern formation in lithium intercalation materials. At Princeton, Hongbo combined theoretical modeling and data-driven methods to study soft and living matter. He then moved on to a faculty position at UCSD.

Outside of research, Hongbo is interested in nature, photography, and is an amateur astronomer. He looks forward to exploring the darker sky of Princeton compared to Boston and Beijing. He also enjoys watching TV shows while snacking on fruits and yogurt.